OSDS trains non-teaching staff on administrative procedures

DIPOLOG CITY, March 10, 2024 – Non-teaching personnel from various sections under the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS) convened at Top Plaza Hotel on March 8, for a comprehensive Training & Orientation on Administrative Matters. The activity aimed to equip employees with essential knowledge and skills related to administrative processes within the government continue reading…

Hearts.Care nourishes communities in Olingan

DIPOLOG CITY, March 9, 2024 – Hearts.Care, a donation drive led by anonymous benefactors, recently organized a two-day feeding activity at Olingan South and Laoy Olingan elementary schools on March 6 and 7, 2024. This altruistic endeavor, anchored on the Adopt-a-School Program of DepEd, aimed to provide nourishment and support to 860 learners and personnel continue reading…

Dipolognon youth pens future paths in journalism at 2024 DSPC

DIPOLOG CITY, March 8, 2024 – The Department of Education Schools Division of Dipolog City is currently hosting the 2024 Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) at Miputak East Central School from March 8 to 10. This three-day event gathers learners from across the division to explore journalism’s role in their lives under the theme “Charting continue reading…