DIPOLOG CITY, March 9, 2024 – Hearts.Care, a donation drive led by anonymous benefactors, recently organized a two-day feeding activity at Olingan South and Laoy Olingan elementary schools on March 6 and 7, 2024. This altruistic endeavor, anchored on the Adopt-a-School Program of DepEd, aimed to provide nourishment and support to 860 learners and personnel from the aforementioned schools.

In their dedication to uplifting communities, Hearts.Care partnered with the Social Mobilization and Networking (SMN) Unit of DepEd Dipolog for the organization of the feeding activity. They also partnered with a popular Philippine food chain to serve delectable meals to the beneficiaries.

The leaders and volunteers of Hearts.Care expressed their sincere commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. Through their selfless contributions, they embody the spirit of generosity and kindness, inspiring others to join in creating a better and more compassionate society.

The event brought hope to the children and staff of Olingan South and Laoy Olingan ES. Their gratitude reflects the impact of kindness. Gathering for meals strengthens community unity and support, fostering hope and resilience.

(via Jesel B. Chiu, Education Program Specialist of Social Mobilization and Networking, SGOD – SDO Dipolog)

Disclaimer: In compliance with privacy regulations and to protect the identity of learners depicted in the subject photo, their faces have been intentionally redacted or obscured. This measure is taken to ensure the confidentiality and safety of individuals featured in the image. We kindly ask readers to respect and uphold the privacy of these learners.